Dr. Peter Gleick Receives a Lifetime Acheivement Award on World Water Day

As part of the World Water Day celebration,  Dr. Peter Gleick and the Pacific Institute were honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Silicon Valley Water Conservation Awards ceremony in San Jose, California. Dr. Gleick is President and co-founder of the Oakland, CA organization that, over 25 years, has built a reputation in California and around the world as one of the most innovative, independent non-governmental organizations in the fields of sustainable and equitable water management.

Dr. Gleick said: “Water is closely connected to each of the vital resource issues of our time – human and ecosystem health, poverty, conflict, energy, food, sustainable communities, and strong economies.” 

Gleick is considered by many to be the world’s leading expert, innovator, and communicator on freshwater resources. He was named a MacArthur Fellow for his work and called  a “visionary on the environment” by the BBC. A member of the US National Academy of Sciences, he is author of many scientific papers and eight books, including the biennial water report, The World’s Water, Bottled and Sold: The Story Behind Our Obsession with Bottled Water and as coauthor, A Twenty-First Century U.S. Water Policy.

Dr. Peter Gleick

According to WCPOnline, “Gleick and the Pacific Institute have done extensive research and education to understand and influence how we use water and how we must move to a sustainable approach – a ‘soft path for water’ that recognizes the realities of a renewable but ultimately limited resource. The Pacific Institute drives a vision and strategy of a comprehensive approach to water use and management that takes advantage of remarkable engineering skills and technologies – but also looks to the innovative application of economics; smart incentives for efficient water use; appropriate regulatory approaches and expanded public education and community participation in water decision making.”

Pacific Institute offers a wealth of information and offers its research  free of charge online.