Garden Hose Filters Are Inexpensive, Easy to Install, and Very Versatile




The garden hose filter above provides chemical-free water for a raised-bed garden. Garden hose filters offer an easy, convenient way to provide excellent water for plants, animals and people–for irrigation, for drinking, for washing cars, for pH amendment, for iron removal, for removing chlorine or chloramine,  for any purpose that requires high quality water. Garden hose filters come in four sizes and use standard-sized filter cartridges, so the possible applications are many.

Here are some pages to look at:

Standard Garden Hose Filters that use 9.75″ X 2.5″ cartridges.

Larger Garden Hose Filters. 

Garden Hose Iron Filters.

Garden Hose Softener.  (A 10,000 grain water softener set up  for garden hose operation. A favorite of RV owners and car washers.)
