Thousands of mines with toxic water lie under the western US

 Colorado’s Animas River After the Gold King Mine Spill

DENVER –  Beneath the western United States lie thousands of old mining tunnels filled with the same toxic stew that spilled into a Colorado river last week, turning it into a nauseating yellow concoction and stoking alarm about contamination of drinking water.

Though the spill into the Animas River in southern Colorado is unusual for its size, it’s only the latest instance of the region grappling with the legacy of a centuries-old mining boom that helped populate the region but also left buried toxins.

Until the late 1970s there were no regulations on mining in most of the region, meaning anyone could dig a hole where they liked and search for gold, silver, copper or zinc. Abandoned mines fill up with groundwater and snowmelt that becomes tainted with acids and heavy metals from mining veins which can trickle into the region’s waterways. Experts estimate there are 55,000 such abandoned mines from Colorado to Idaho to California, and federal and state authorities have struggled to clean them for decades. The federal government says 40 percent of the headwaters of Western waterways have been contaminated from mine runoff.

Last week, the Environmental Protection Agency was trying to staunch leakage from a gold mine — not worked since 1923 — high in the San Juan mountains of southern Colorado. But workers moving debris from the mine tunnel accidentally opened up the passage, leading to a million gallons of sludge spilling into a creek that carried it into the Animas River. From there the discharge headed toward the Colorado River, which provides water to tens of millions of Westerners.

“The whole acid draining issue is something we struggle with in the western United States,” said Bruce Stover, the Colorado Department of Mining official in charge of dealing with abandoned mines in that state.

One of the complicating factors is money and legal liability. Cleaning up the mines is very costly, and the Clean Water Act says that anyone who contributes to pollution of a waterway can be prosecuted for a federal crime, even if they were trying to clean up pollution. That’s kept environmental groups from helping the EPA treat water and tidy up mines. Groups for several years have been pushing for a federal law that would let so-called “Good Samaritan” groups help with cleanup without being exposed to legal liability.

“There’s still a whole generation of abandoned mines that needs to be dealt with,” said Steve Kandell of Trout Unlimited, one of the organizations backing the bill.

But the Wednesday spill from the Gold King mine shows the amount of damage that the slightest cleanup accident can inflict. The mine is one of four outside the old mining town of Silverton that have leaked heavy metals into Cement Creek, which flows into the Animas. Cement Creek is so poisoned that no fish live there and the EPA has long registered abnormal levels of acidity and heavy metals in the upper Animas that have also injured aquatic life.

Downstream, though, the Animas flows through the scenic town of Durango and is a magnet for summer vacationers, fishermen and rafters. The river turned yellow Thursday, emitting a sickening stench and sending water agencies scrambling to shut off the taps from the waterway.

The EPA apologized profusely to residents for both the accident and failing to warn anyone for the first 24 hours. During a town hall meeting in Durango on Friday, a restaurant owner asked the EPA if it would compensate businesses for lost revenue, while officials warned that the river may turn yellow again in the spring, when snowmelt kicks up the settled contaminated sediment.

The history of the Gold King and its neighboring mines is also an example of the difficulty in cleaning up old waste. The EPA had initially tried to plug a leak in another mine that drained into Cement Creek, the American Tunnel, but that simply pushed more contaminated water out of the neighboring mines such as Gold King.

“In this day and age, everyone wants the quick fix, but these things take time,” said Jason Willis, an environmental engineer who works with Trout Unlimited in Colorado. “These are site-specific tasks.”

Stover said it was particularly galling that the Animas was contaminated by the very chemicals that environmental officials have been trying to remove from its watershed.

“It’s very unfortunate,” Stover said. “We’ve been fighting this war for years, and we’ve lost a battle. But we’re going to win the war.”

Source: Fox News.

Pure Water Gazette Fair Use Statement

Gazette’s Famous Water Pictures Series

Georg Frideric Handel (left) and King George I on the Thames River, 17 July 1717. Painting by Edouard Hamman (1819–88).


The Water Music is a collection of orchestral movements, often published as three suites, composed by George Frideric Handel. It premiered on 17 July 1717 after King George I had requested a concert on the River Thames.

The usual explanation for the gala on-the-water concert is that the king was feeling heat from an opposing political faction gathering around his son, the Prince of Wales, and he staged a big public event to draw attention away from his son and to himself.

 Akademie für alte Musik Berlin performance.


Full Summer in Texas. Pure Water Products at Denton’s Farmers’ Market.  From left Theresia Munywoki, Kacy Ewing, Katey Shannon, and Kristen Lewis with twins. Visit them at the Denton Farmers’ Market on Saturdays or at our 523 N. Elm location weekdays. Or call 940 382 3814.

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Bee Sharper Puts the Numbers of Water Treatment into Context



Editor’s Note. Water contaminants like lead and arsenic are measured in parts per billion. To put these tiny amounts into context, here’s a BB Sharper comparison.

Year it was one billion seconds ago: 1959.

Year it was one billion minutes ago: c. AD 110.

Year it was one billion hours ago: BC 110,000.

Year it was one billion days ago: BC 2,640.000.

Parts per million represented by one drop in a bathtub full of water — 2.

Parts per million represented by one second in 12.5 days — 1.

Number of micrograms per litre (μg/L) represented by one part per billion — 1.

Number of micrograms per litre represented by one drop in 250 bathtubs full of water — 1.

Number of parts per billion represented by one second in 32 years — 1.